Current events

Rules of the draw "FREE MAGNUM with your bottle of Finca Sobreño Crianza".



The organization of the current promotion is carried out by SOBREÑO S.A., with VAT number A-49180219 and its registered office located at National Road 122, Km. 423 – 49800 – Toro (Zamora).

Purpose of the Promotion

The purpose of the promotion is an advertising campaign by SOBREÑO S.A., consisting of awarding the prize detailed in clause three to the participants whose collar number matches the winning number in the draw held on November 19, 2023, on the platform, provided they meet the conditions and requirements established in these terms.

Participation is free. The right to participate is acquired with the purchase of a bottle of "FINCA SOBREÑO CRIANZA."

When purchasing a bottle of FINCA SOBREÑO CRIANZA at any of the establishments affiliated with the "Route Sobreño with your Finca Sobreño Crianza bottle," the customer will receive a collar with a two-digit assigned number that will enter the draw to be held on November 19, 2023, Sunday. The establishments will be identified by promotional posters.


3.1. The prize for this draw consists of:


To qualify for the prize, participants must present the winning collar at the establishment where it was delivered when purchasing a bottle of "FINCA SOBREÑO CRIANZA."

The winners will be those who match the draw number on November 19, 2023, Sunday. The winning number will be published on our website in the following days.

The prize will be delivered at the establishments where the purchase of the "FINCA SOBREÑO CRIANZA" wine was made within 30 days after the draw date.

All individuals aged 18 or older may participate in this promotion.

Employees of BODEGAS SOBREÑO S.A., ACHICORIA VINOS, S.L., and employees of each of the collaborating establishments in their own premises are not eligible to participate. The latter may participate in other collaborating establishments different from their workplace.

In the event that it is not possible to award any of the prizes to the winner because they do not meet the requirements established in these terms, another date will be chosen for another draw until there is a winner. Not applicable in case of prize refusal.

After 30 days from the draw date, winners who do not come to collect the prize at the collaborating establishments listed on their collar will be considered, for all purposes, to have waived the prize.

Any taxes resulting from obtaining the prize will be the responsibility of the promotion winner.

The prizes of this promotion are subject to these terms and cannot be replaced with cash. Prizes are not exchangeable, alterable, or compensable at the request of participants in the promotion. Prizes are personal and non-transferable.

Sale or commercialization of the prizes is prohibited.

Data Protection

Participation in the promotion implies the express consent of participants for BODEGAS SOBREÑO S.A. to use their name, surnames, and photograph for public communication.

General Considerations

Participation in this promotion requires the full acceptance of these terms. Therefore, expressing non-acceptance of all or part of them will imply the exclusion of the participant, and as a consequence, BODEGAS SOBREÑO S. A. will be released from the fulfillment of the obligation contracted with said participant.

BODEGAS SOBREÑO S. A. reserves the right to justifiably eliminate any participant who defrauds, alters, or disables the proper functioning and normal and regulatory course of this promotion.

BODEGAS SOBREÑO S. A. reserves the right to take legal action against those who perform any act susceptible to be considered manipulation or falsification of the promotion.

BODEGAS SOBREÑO S. A. is not responsible for any possible losses, damages, thefts, delays, or any other circumstance attributable to third parties that may affect the development of this promotion.

BODEGAS SOBREÑO S. A. reserves the right to make any changes to these Terms, as well as to suspend or extend this promotion.

Responsibility of BODEGAS SOBREÑO, S.A.

Without limiting the rights of consumers in accordance with current consumer legislation, BODEGAS SOBREÑO, S.A. reserves the right to modify the conditions of this Promotion at any time, including its possible cancellation before the start or end date, provided there is a justified reason, committing to communicate the new bases, conditions, or, as the case may be, the final cancellation in advance.


The promotion bases will be available to any interested party at the offices of BODEGAS SOBREÑO, S.A. and on our website:

Validity Period

The promotion will be active from October 15 to November 19, 2023, both inclusive.