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Bodegas Sobreño starts the grape harvest with favourable forecasts

Despite the high temperatures in 2022, the vines at the Toro winery have vegetated normally and their ripe, balanced grapes are ready for the harvest campaign.

Toro (Zamora), 22 September 2022

Bodegas Sobreño has already begun the 2022 harvest of its more than 80 hectares of vineyards in Toro (Zamora). With this harvest, which will last between two and three weeks, the winery now has 24 harvests since it was founded in 1998. As has been the practice since then, the harvest has begun slowly and will continue in stages.

Despite the fact that 2022 has been characterised by high temperatures and lower than usual rainfall, 194 litres/m2 in the entire growing cycle, the vines have vegetated normally thanks to the soil in a large part of the Toro Denomination of Origin, resulting in ripe grapes with very balanced properties in terms of shape, taste and smell.

Bodegas Sobreño takes great care throughout the entire vegetative cycle of the vine to obtain and select the best grapes that will produce wines that are then selected for the characteristics that highlight each of them: Finca Sobreño Roble, Finca Sobreño Ecológico, Finca Sobreño Crianza, Finca Sobreño Reserva and Finca Sobreño Ildefonso.

Tinta de Toro, a grape variety that sets Bodegas Sobreño apart from others

All the plantations of Bodegas Sobreño belong to the native variety of the region: Tinta de Toro, a variety with smaller grape berries that results in bright, clean and well-balanced red wines of intense colour, body and structure. Of the winery's 80 hectares, more than half are over 35 years old, and a quarter are dedicated to organic farming, demonstrating Bodegas Sobreño's commitment to the environment and quality.

Its commitment to the environment and quality, always maintaining the tradition of grape growing and adapting to new technologies, has made Bodegas Sobreño one of the most recognised brands in Toro, exporting 75% of its wines to 25 countries.

Bodegas Sobreño starts the grape harvest with favourable forecasts